Legalize Marijuana And End The War On Drugs
The Drug War has disproportionately targeted people of color and ruined the lives of millions of Americans. African Americans are nearly four times as likely to be arrested for marijuana possession than white Americans, even though people in this country use marijuana at roughly the same rates across all races.
The taxes that are gathered from the new legal cannabis businesses could go to any number of public projects, such as building up our nations infrastructure, paying for free school lunches for our children, and more.
We also need to move to put an end to private/for-profit prisons that have a profit incentive to lobby for laws to incarcerate as many people as possible and to keep marijuana and other drugs on the Controlled Substance Act. We need to nationalize the prison industry as it is not moral for private companies to have such incentives.
Legalize. Tax. Regulate.
Ensure that revenue from legal marijuana is reinvested in communities hit hardest by the War on Drugs.
Decriminalize all drugs, legalize some.
Instead of investing in mass Incarceration, we need to invest in our country’s future.
End private/for-profit prisons
Ensure the legalized marijuana industry does not turn into the new big tobacco